The origins of this class are difficult to trace. The original, Duchess of Portland, bears an affinity to Gallica and Damask roses; compact, Gallica-red, Damask-scented, with excellent renewal of bloom throughout the season. Portlands tend toward a compact habit, and fit neatly into gardens of all sizes. It is important to note that these roses are closely related to Hybrid Perpetuals and many authors in the past have lumped them there. When recoginzed as a group, Portlands included a good many varieties better placed with the HPs. Here we try to list those whose growth habit and character are akin go the original Portland Rose and the Rose du Roi.
In keeping with the spirit of this catalogue, to group roses where they seem best to belong, leaving the controversies of classing to rose history researchers, we present those Portlands which are of compact habit. Such varieties as Sidonie, which are quite robust and spreading growers, historically classed as Portlands, we place with the Hybrid Perpetuals. For the gardener this will prove a more satisfactory view of the roses themselves.
Habit We place the Portlands in two groups of growth habit; 1) those akin to the Duchess of Portland which suckers like a Gallica and remains quite short, and 2) a more compact and upright type, such as Marbree, which suckers little.
Imi trebuie un remontant care sa se reverse. Vreau sa-i fac un piedestal ca o glastra...deja am rugat-o pe Melinda sa- mi inradacineze quatre saison...
Eu nu am prea avut noroc cu frantuzestii, e drept ca i-am si necajit cu mutari repetate. Pe Charteuse de Parme am pierdut-o de tot acum in toamna, cand sotul meu a scos radacina bucati. Am apucat sa pun doi trei butasi! Sa vad daca nu ma urmareste ghinionul iar. Tare era frumoasa floarea. Dar la mine nu au mers prea bine, sunt sensibili. Ii voi admira la tine. Sa stii ca deschid toate notificarile cu postarile tale, si iti admir mereu frumusetile!
Multumesc, la fel fac si eu cand apari tu prin zona... :) Chartreuse de Parme ar trebui sa-l am eu, daca mi l-ai trimis,(chiar nu mai retin). Vom vedea la primavara cum stam. Eu sunt fascinata de cei de la Delbard si, mai nou, de Guillot-i.
L-a sters. Stii ca si anul trecut a facut la fel. Cred ca a vrut sa rupa dependenta de SP, macar pe perioada asta cand oricum gradina nu mai este activa. Pana la urma are 3 copii mici care necesita atentia ei...
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Au tufe foarte frumoase, remonteaza bine, iar Comte are un parfum de invaluie gradina !